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bannerThe day after the Manchester terror attack I took myself to my veg plot and cried whilst I weeded. And then I wrote this instagram post and cried some more. All those people and their families: those that were murdered; those that have been harmed; those that were there; those that were meant to be. So many people whose lives, whose worlds have changed forever. Such an atrocious act is beyond my comprehension.

Soon afterwards somebody sent me a link to a facebook post, a call for help. Beth Clarke (b_stitched_ on IG)  had had the idea of sharing hearts round Manchester city centre. It is such an incredible idea that by taking part in a small act of kindness we can demonstrate that love wins, that light does conquer darkness. It doesn’t make it okay, but it shows us that our world is filled with good. I need to believe that the good outweighs the evil.

So I’ve made my hearts in the colours of the rainbow (I’m not religious at all but I have always loved the symbolism of the rainbow, a promise that life will get better) and I’ve hung them with tags saying #aheart4mcr and Please take me, and I’ve sent them to Beth and her amazing team of volunteers and I hope they arrive before Monday. And I know it doesn’t make it okay but I hope with all my heart that someone takes one of my hearts in their hand and it makes them smile for a moment.

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About me…

What would you like to know? I’m a middle-aged mother of two beautiful boys with an addiction to colour, coffee and crochet. Oh, and a husband who has dreamed of being buried alive in wool.

I have been crocheting since August 2013. I saw the most amazing Sophie Digard bag and decided that I would like to do that. (Yes I know! Ridiculous. I have managed my goals and now aspire to own a scarf though – lottery win allowing.) I decided that the best way to learn was for my Auntie Mee to teach me but she wasn’t available on the day I decided I needed to learn so I then decided YouTube could try. YouTube failed but my Auntie Mee saw my ‘dishcloth’ on facebook and decided she would help me after all. Two days later she showed me how to do a (very) basic granny square which then grew into my first completed project – a dolly blanket for my niece.

When I first posted my adventures in crocheting on facebook, much to my surprise I found out that a number of my friends liked to crochet and were amazing at it. They set up a facebook group that guided me towards the best blogs, helped me learn to read a pattern and become bi-lingual in UK and US crochet terminology and led me into stash addiction. They got me well and truly hooked.

So here I am, with my out of control WiP pile, stylecraft spesh in all the colours, and an urge to start a crochet blog. I’m really good at starting things. I wonder how long I can stick with this work in progress before sending it to time out…