Posted in crochet, WiP Watch

WiP watch – the Moogly CAL 2014

Just before Christmas I received an unexpected lovely gift from a fabulous friend. She had seen this notebook and thought of me, my love of organisational stationery, and my vast WiP collection.

When I started filling it in with my unfinished projects I must admit to becoming slightly embarrassed by the sheer number of works in progress (WiPs) that I have.  And these are the projects that I have actually started, not the ones in my head that are buzzing about, desperate to be released. Part of my motivation for starting the blog was to try and get my WiPs in check. There are currently nine outstanding projects and one completed one, and I suspect WiP watch may be a regular feature as I try and whittle that number down.

I had decided that I was not going to start another blanket until I’ve finished one of the blankets on my list, so with that in mind I have been working on and off on my Moogly blanket since January. I began this project in January 2014. I hadn’t been crocheting very long and had decided to attempt to make a Granny Square a day, which would be put together to make up a magic blanket (first item on my WiP list). When some friends told me about a mystery crochet along (CAL) based on different designs I thought it would be a great way to improve my crochet skills. I loved the idea of a new square being released every fortnight and thought it would tie in quite well with my square a day project.

I will always remember the energy I put into choosing my yarn – I knew I wanted something soft and snuggly and quite luxurious feeling but it needed to be washable. I ordered five balls of Drops Big Merino in red, beige, orange, maroon and mocha, having no clue at all as to how much I would need to make a blanket.


HOW MUCH yarn do you need to make a blanket! I’m still surprised that I had to really stretch it to get three blocks out of those five balls, but by the end of those blocks I was in love with the wool, learning lots and really committed to the fortnightly schedule. So I bought a LOT of wool. Then we decided try and sell our house so the wool all got packed away while the house went on the market. Then when we sold but hadn’t found our new home yet we moved into a temporary home and the project was relegated to time out. So that’s my big excuse for why my beautiful blanket is still very much a work in progress.

This winter my thoughts turned towards my big box of very snuggly, warm, beautiful wool and I woke up my Moogly CAL from hibernation and, when time allows,  I have been working on the blocks.

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There were eight and a bit blocks when I started in January and last night I began the 24th, and final, block of the  CAL. When the blocks were all released they were free but some of them are now paid for patterns so I was very pleased I had downloaded the patterns and added them to my Ravelry library as they were released. There are some great alternative squares suggested if you don’t want to pay for a block or don’t really love a particular square. When I look at some of the squares I’ve made I am quite amazed with myself. I have learnt such a lot from this CAL.

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Block 12 has been my favourite square. I didn’t think I would really like it before I started making it, and it took me about an hour to get the first four rounds right.  However I found that I absolutely loved how it came together, and I adore the look and texture of the finished block.

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I am so very nearly finished the making of the squares that my thoughts are turning towards blocking (should have done it as I went along) and ordering more wool for the joining. I love joining squares to make a blanket or cushion or scarf – I love seeing how it all comes together – and hopefully I will be able to share a grand tadaa moment soon. Just watch this space…